[Rule-list] script to uninstall rpms and change config files

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 28 09:08:12 EET 2002

Hi all.

What would you think about RULE distributing a script for customizing 
installations, by removing rpms, & changing specific config scripts?

I'm thinking about something that might have a bunch of lines like this:

# This configure script is meant for experienced users who know for sure
# what they would like to uninstall. If you encounter any errors describing
# dependency problems & you are sure that you would like to uninstall, then
# just insert "--nodeps" after "-" so that it looks like this, without 
# "rpm -e --nodeps PackageName-1.2.3.whatever.rpm".

# Uncomment to uninstall the packages. Only expert users should be doing 
# rpm -e foobar-1.2.3-i386.rpm
# rpm -e bar-1.2.3-i386.rpm
# rpm -e foo-1.2.3-i386.rpm
# rpm -e biz-1.2.3-i386.rpm
# rpm -e baz-1.2.3-i386.rpm

# This section is used to copy configuration files.

mv /etc/DIR_COLORS /etc/DIR_COLORS.bak
mv /etc/inittab /etc/inittab.bak
cp ./inittab /etc/inittab
mv /etc/X11/XFConfig /etc/X11/XFConfig.bak
mv ./XFConfig /etc/X11/XFConfig

I think that this script would be useful, because after each fresh 
installation there are some standard things that I like to do to fine tune 
things. If you are all interested, I don't mind starting this project, as 
long as somebody is willing to correct it, & maintain it.

1 important thing that this is supposed to do is allow the installation 
scripts to have a broad range of rpms to install, to ensure that the 
completed installation will work, without worrying about bloat. In other 
words, Slinky & Miniconda, can install many programs to ensure that the user 
can surf the Internet, email, etc., & this can remove files according to the 
user's preferences.

For the list of packages to uninstall, I would list all of the packages 
listed in the installation scripts. It's not as if they would need them all, 
but I would like to list them for the sake of completeness.

Sincerely, and with thanks,
Eugene T.S. Wong

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