[Rule-list] script to uninstall rpms and change config files

Marco Fioretti m.fioretti at inwind.it
Thu Nov 28 23:33:12 EET 2002

On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 23:08:12 at 11:08:12PM -0800, Eugene Wong (disposable_eugene at hotmail.com) wrote:
> Hi all.
> What would you think about RULE distributing a script for customizing 
> installations, by removing rpms, & changing specific config scripts?



as said in other messages, I'm fighting with the web database, so will
answer in detail later. Anyway, several points of your proposal agree
with, and improve, something that we discussed, IIRC, before summer,
 the fact that the installer should install one package, then run a
 post install script for that package only which removes unneeded
files, docs if prompted accordingly, etc...

 RULE-enhanced configs: this, IIRC, was said it should happen by
placing those files in the HOME dirs (**)of each user created at install
times or later: in this way newbies and power users alike have from
the first login  a fully functional environment, but the background,
i.e. the system config, it's still the same of stock RH (servers are
different, of course... we have to figure it out apart)

		Marco Fioretti

(**) Meaning that we keep, for example, /etc/Muttrc as it comes from
the stock Mutt RPM, but create /home/marco/.muttrc,
/home/eugene/.muttrc. etc...

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