[Rule-list] links web browser [not lynx] has text & graphics versions

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 28 08:44:04 EET 2002

>From: Marco Fioretti <m.fioretti at inwind.it>
>On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 18:17:38 at 06:17:38PM -0800, Eugene Wong 
>(disposable_eugene at hotmail.com) wrote:
> > Why do you say that?
> >
>Because I've read several times (can't remember where right away)
>discussion between w3m and links users that just could never agree on
>how to compare the two programs.

Oh, okay. As long as it wasn't something that I said.

I find it so amusing that wars on this issue have taken place, because I 
haven't even heard of links until I told you. It would have never even 
occurred to me to search for text browsers. Anyways, I'm glad that no war 
has taken place.

As long as RULE chooses one browser, and tells the user why this is "better" 
than the other choices, then there shouldn't be any problems. The problem 
with RH is that it gives you choices but never tells you why you would want 
one or the other or both.

The i486 user should be greatful to just have a RH installation in the 1st 
place. No matter what, the user is going to have to fine tune the setup 
anyways, which leads me to my next suggestion, which I will send in another 

> > >Eugene, may I ask you, as a contribution to that page, to investigate
> > >how the w3m and links RPM coming with Psyche compare in terms of
> > >
> > I don't understand this "Psyche" that you speak of. Clarification?
> >
>I mean "how do the w3m and links binaries and config files included in
>stock Psyche RPMSs compare"? For example, is it needed to change the
>default configuration in those RPMs to achieve, say, Asian fonts
>support? Is it needed to recompile from source to have feature X?

I wouldn't know how to go about figuring that out. I'm not really good at 
dealing with rpms. I'll let someone else comment.

>Thanks for your other material, I'll format it and include in that web

You're welcome. If you want me to compare other packages, then I can. I 
don't mind researching a little here & there to find out what packages have 
which advantages.

Sincerely, and with thanks,
Eugene T.S. Wong

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