vRe_!: Re: vRe!: vRe!: Plotting program (will be:GNUPlot)

O Brasidas ps40 at ukc.ac.uk
Mon Oct 18 18:28:57 EEST 1999

<keramida at ceid.upatras.gr> wrote:
# 	http://www.cs.darmouth.edu/gnuplot/gnuplot_d.html
# 	http://www.cs.darmouth.edu/gnuplot_info.html

Thnx alot gia thn boi8eia...
aa... for the record h swsth url einai 
www.cs.dartmouth.ed/klp klp
...eleipe ena "t"

# Giorgos Keramidas, <keramida at ceid.upatras.gr>
# "That field hath eyen, and the wood hath ears." [Geoffrey Chaucer, 1328-1400]

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