Michalis Kabrianis kabrianis at hellug.gr
Sun May 9 17:05:22 EEST 1999

On 09-May-99 Pavlos Parissis wrote:
> Hello Michalh,
>> Sorry, den ginetai. Thelw na balw tin glibc-crypt mesa, ara prepei prwta na
>> kanw rpm -i to src.rpm kai meta na to ksanaftiaksw. Ara to --rebuild den tha
>> mou kanei tin douleia pou thelw :-)
> poios sou eipe na kaneis rpm -i *src.rpm?
> afto to kanei apo mono tou to --rebuild.
> Ean katalava kala, pou katalava, esy thes na kaneis rebuild ena src dhladh na
> kaneis build to binary xwris na to kaneis install, sosta?
> eeee to rpm --rebuild paketo.src.rpm kanei afto pou thes kanei build to
> binary.

Ma afou thelw na balw kai tin crypt!!!!!
Prepei na ksanmaftiaksw to rpm apo tin arxi.

>> > to rpm -ba paketo.specs ftiaxnei to binary alla kai to source alla den
>> > kanei
>> > install.
>> Ma afou to manual leei oti kanei KAI to install. H erwtisi mou einai i
>> eksis:
>> Dokimase kanenas opoiodipote apo ta parapanw, kai na elegksei meta tis
>> imerominies twn arxeiwn? (giati, entaksei, ayto to ksekatharisa, i database
>> den
>> ta anaferei mesa).
> Otan lei install anaferete sto install stage tou spec kai OXI oti kanei
> install.

Swsto, to elegksa, sygnwmi gia tin epimoni mou, alla ayto den kskatharizotan
pouthena :-(

> ta spec exoun mesa to stage/tag %install, afto kanei ena "theoritiko" install
> sto BuildRoot folder pou exei dhlwsh o builder sto spec file wste na ginei
> to build tou binary.
> px
> Summary: WWW Site grabber
> Name: GetWeb
> Version: 2.6
> Release: 1
> Source: http://nemesis.ee.teiath.gr/~stelios/GetWeb-2.6.tar.gz
> Copyright: GPL
> Group: Networking/Utilities
> BuildRoot: /var/tmp/GetWeb
> %description
> GetWeb
> %prep
> %setup
> %build
> echo 'y
> n'  |./MakeGetWeb
> %install    <<<<<<<<<<Se afto anaferete to install pou lei sto man gia rpm
> -ba
> rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
> mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
> mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1
> install -s -m 0755 ./GetWeb $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
> install -s -m 0755 ./GWProgress $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
> install -s -m 0644 ./GetWeb.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1
> %post
> ln -s /usr/bin/GetWeb /usr/bin/cpRFtp
> %postun
> rm -f /usr/bin/cpRFtp
> %files
> %defattr(-,root,root)
> Sample.GetWeb
> %attr(0755,root,root) /usr/bin/GetWeb
> %attr(0755,root,root) /usr/bin/GWProgress
> %attr(0644,root,root) /usr/man/man1/GetWeb.1
> Gia na mhn sou lew mparoufes molis ekana
> rpm --rebuild GetWeb*.src.rpm
> kai meta ls -l `rpm -ql GetWeb` ( to eixa kanei install sti 5 tou mhna)
> kai mou edwse tis idies dates prin kanw to rebuild.
> Meta edwsa rpm -ba GetWeb*.specs kai pali
> ls -l `rpm -ql GetWeb` kai den allakse tipota.
> meta to rpm -ba GetWeb* sto telos peira:
> Finding provides...
> Finding requires...
> Prereqs: /bin/sh
> Requires: ld-linux.so.2 libX11.so.6 libc.so.6 libm.so.6 libstdc++.so.2.8
> /bin/sh
> Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/GetWeb-2.6-1.src.rpm
> Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/GetWeb-2.6-1.i386.rpm
> [paul@~/redhat/SPECS]$
> to rpm --rebuild GetWeb*.src.rpm sto telos edwse:
> .GetWeb /var/tmp/GetWeb/usr/doc/GetWeb-2.6
> + exit 0
> Finding provides...
> Finding requires...
> Prereqs: /bin/sh
> Requires: ld-linux.so.2 libX11.so.6 libc.so.6 libm.so.6 libstdc++.so.2.8
> /bin/sh
> Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/GetWeb-2.6-1.i386.rpm
> Executing: --clean
> + umask 022
> + cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD
> + rm -rf GetWeb-2.6
> + exit 0
> den ekane install allwste pws na kanei afou eimai mesa san user.
> Giati sou elega na kaneis rebuild san user, to spec pou vlepeis to eftiaksa
> me BuildRoot metavlhth kai antikatestisa ta mv kai cp pou eixe me install.
> Meta ekatsa kai evala ta attr..... gia na mhn exw provlhma otan to kanw
> rebuild
> san user kai meta to binary exei owner.group to user mou!
> Xwris ta parapanw to rpm -ba *.specs den mporousa na to kanw san user.
> Ean ena spec file exei BuildRoot kai ta attr... 99% ginete build san user.
> Pistevw na se voithisa estw kai ligo:)
> Pavlos
Oxi ligo, poly. Eyxaristw kai sygnwmmi gia tin epimoni mou.

Michalis Kabrianis
kabrianis at hellug.gr
Gia boithia (h na diagrafhte) e-mail sto majordomo at hellug.gr
Ta archives tis listas einai sto http://lists.hellug.gr/archives
prin steilete kapoia erothsh psakte mipos exei hdh apanththei.
Gia opoiodipote problima stilte e-mail ston owner-linux-greek-users at hellug.gr

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