Pavlos Parissis surfking at ath.forthnet.gr
Sun May 9 14:48:37 EEST 1999

Hello Michalh,

> Sorry, den ginetai. Thelw na balw tin glibc-crypt mesa, ara prepei prwta na
> kanw rpm -i to src.rpm kai meta na to ksanaftiaksw. Ara to --rebuild den tha
> mou kanei tin douleia pou thelw :-)

poios sou eipe na kaneis rpm -i *src.rpm?
afto to kanei apo mono tou to --rebuild.
Ean katalava kala, pou katalava, esy thes na kaneis rebuild ena src dhladh na
kaneis build to binary xwris na to kaneis install, sosta?
eeee to rpm --rebuild paketo.src.rpm kanei afto pou thes kanei build to binary.

> > to rpm -ba paketo.specs ftiaxnei to binary alla kai to source alla den kanei
> > install.
> Ma afou to manual leei oti kanei KAI to install. H erwtisi mou einai i eksis:
> Dokimase kanenas opoiodipote apo ta parapanw, kai na elegksei meta tis
> imerominies twn arxeiwn? (giati, entaksei, ayto to ksekatharisa, i database den
> ta anaferei mesa).

Otan lei install anaferete sto install stage tou spec kai OXI oti kanei install.

ta spec exoun mesa to stage/tag %install, afto kanei ena "theoritiko" install

sto BuildRoot folder pou exei dhlwsh o builder sto spec file wste na ginei to build

tou binary.


Summary: WWW Site grabber
Name: GetWeb
Version: 2.6
Release: 1
Source: http://nemesis.ee.teiath.gr/~stelios/GetWeb-2.6.tar.gz
Copyright: GPL
Group: Networking/Utilities
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/GetWeb

echo 'y
n'  |./MakeGetWeb

%install    <<<<<<<<<<Se afto anaferete to install pou lei sto man gia rpm -ba
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1
install -s -m 0755 ./GetWeb $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
install -s -m 0755 ./GWProgress $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
install -s -m 0644 ./GetWeb.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1

ln -s /usr/bin/GetWeb /usr/bin/cpRFtp

rm -f /usr/bin/cpRFtp

%doc GetRemote.sh JINX.README GWProgress.README CHANGES GetWeb.README Sample.GetWeb
%attr(0755,root,root) /usr/bin/GetWeb
%attr(0755,root,root) /usr/bin/GWProgress
%attr(0644,root,root) /usr/man/man1/GetWeb.1

Gia na mhn sou lew mparoufes molis ekana

rpm --rebuild GetWeb*.src.rpm

kai meta ls -l `rpm -ql GetWeb` ( to eixa kanei install sti 5 tou mhna)

kai mou edwse tis idies dates prin kanw to rebuild.

Meta edwsa rpm -ba GetWeb*.specs kai pali

ls -l `rpm -ql GetWeb` kai den allakse tipota.

meta to rpm -ba GetWeb* sto telos peira:

Finding provides...
Finding requires...
Prereqs: /bin/sh
Requires: ld-linux.so.2 libX11.so.6 libc.so.6 libm.so.6 libstdc++.so.2.8 /bin/sh
Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS/GetWeb-2.6-1.src.rpm
Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/GetWeb-2.6-1.i386.rpm

to rpm --rebuild GetWeb*.src.rpm sto telos edwse:

.GetWeb /var/tmp/GetWeb/usr/doc/GetWeb-2.6
+ exit 0
Finding provides...
Finding requires...
Prereqs: /bin/sh
Requires: ld-linux.so.2 libX11.so.6 libc.so.6 libm.so.6 libstdc++.so.2.8 /bin/sh
Wrote: /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/GetWeb-2.6-1.i386.rpm
Executing: --clean
+ umask 022
+ cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD
+ rm -rf GetWeb-2.6
+ exit 0

den ekane install allwste pws na kanei afou eimai mesa san user.

Giati sou elega na kaneis rebuild san user, to spec pou vlepeis to eftiaksa

me BuildRoot metavlhth kai antikatestisa ta mv kai cp pou eixe me install.

Meta ekatsa kai evala ta attr..... gia na mhn exw provlhma otan to kanw rebuild

san user kai meta to binary exei owner.group to user mou!

Xwris ta parapanw to rpm -ba *.specs den mporousa na to kanw san user.

Ean ena spec file exei BuildRoot kai ta attr... 99% ginete build san user.

Pistevw na se voithisa estw kai ligo:)


I love having the feeling of being in control
while i have the sensation of speed

The Surfer of Life

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prin steilete kapoia erothsh psakte mipos exei hdh apanththei.
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