Xscr 4

Bug Powder venturas at csd.uoc.gr
Mon Feb 24 01:22:59 EET 2003

> Kai oxi, de me siginei ka8olou o karagiozis arximixanikos tis netscape

Asxeto, ena apo ta teleutaia ar8ra sto LinuxPlanet 3ekinaei me thn e3hs

    Desktop Delights

    Dennis E. Powell

    I like eyecandy. In that category, there is nothing better in Linux than
    Zawinski's XScreenSaver, and there has never been a better version of
    XScreenSaver than the newish 4.0. Within 4.0, there are no screensaver
    modules more visually pleasing than the GLX ones -- the 3-D, OpenGL
    modules -- as long as you have hardware support.

O Jamie Zawinski einai fysika o "karagkiozhs arximhxanikos", kai apo oti
leei edw, bghke h ekdosh 4.0 twn Xscreensavers (matrix, jack, kai deka-
des alla).

Osoi pistoi...

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