[Thelug] Well Done ELLAK group Thess

SKSowe sksowe at csd.auth.gr
Mon Jul 21 15:18:53 EEST 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,
After all these years, it's interesting to note that there is a vibrant 
and active LUG just around my corner. Since my Greek is still embryonic, 
I would appreciate if there can be any possibility for me to talk to 
some of the core members of thelug; just have a chat on:
What thelug is doing?
How it organizes its activities?
Who the major contributors are and in which areas?
Just few of the things that may form an interesting discussion.
I am a Gambia national and completed my PhD in F/OSS 1yr ago from dept. 
of informatics, Aristotle university. Am currently working with Epirtopi 
erevnon doing research on EU funded projects (SQO-OSS, FLOSSMetrics, 
Hope to hear from someone soon.
Office number:2310-991927

Sulayman K. Sowe (Ph.D)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Department of Informatics
Thessaloniki 54124. Greece
Tel: 2310-991927 Fax: 2310-991911
Dept. URL: http://sweng.csd.auth.gr/wb/pages/people/sulayman-sowe.php

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