[RULE] Who wants to write articles on RULE?

M. Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Sat Apr 2 01:02:52 EEST 2005

Greetings, everybody.

Some days ago, I read in April Issue of Linux Journal something like
"there is no way to run Fedora on 4/5 years old hardware". I quickly
wrote to the editor, explaining why and how the RULE project proves
this wrong. I specifically mentioned slinky, the Kdrive packages and
the mini-Kde idea at
http://www.rule-project.org/article.php3?id_article=59, and asked if
they would be interested in some articles on these subject.

The editor answered:

> Sounds good. Yes, I'd be interested in a full outline [for
> mini-KDE]. It would be good to include the X work but the installer
> could be a separate article.

I have already answered that I can write about mini-KDE (which is
great also because this will force me to update and fix content and
packages for that part of the website: nothing can motivate like a bit
of cash and the fear of embarassing yourself...). At the same time, I
have also explained that I am not the most qualified person to write
about Kdrive or slinky.

Therefore, if you feel like making some little bucks helping RULE, and
have the satisfaction of being published by LJ, this is the right
time, since they seem interested. Detailed outlines should be
addressed to ljeditor at ssc.com, mentioning that you heard from me about
the editor's interest, and putting me in CC, just in case they have
lost that message...

Of course I cannot 100% *guarantee* that they will accept and publish
anything and when (including my own article...) However, if you need
any support for this, including questions on how they work, what they
expect, how to approach them or whatever, just contact me off list.

Thank you in advance for your time!


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Fedora Core 3 for low memory      http://www.rule-project.org/

"A good day is for me much food, much sex, much children."
Kirstie Alley

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