[RULE] Re: From Greenland- Slinky install problem-possibly very

Jason Bechtel bechtel at freeshell.org
Thu Jan 20 18:04:39 EET 2005

On Tuesday, Jan 18, 2005 at  8:13 PM, Michael Fratoni typed:
> As for partitions, I generally try to set up 3 partitions on my test 
> machines:
> 128M for swap
> 100M for /boot
> balance for /
> [root at conundrum ~]# df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda2             2.8G  385M  2.3G  15% /
> none                   19M     0   19M   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/hda1              96M  6.6M   86M   8% /boot
> /dev/hdc              618M  618M     0 100% /mnt/cdrom
> -Michael

As you can see by the usage of /boot in the 'df' output, 100MB is
overkill.  /boot only holds the kernel and a few related files.  It is
at most a few MB for each kernel you have installed.  Assuming you keep
even four kernels available, you shouldn't need more than 32MB for it.

The only reason I've seen for making /boot more than 32MB is if you want
to use a journaling filesystem on it, which you likely aren't.

Normally it's not a big deal, but with a small hard drive, 65MB is

====== sidebar ======
By the way, I also noticed in a recent distribution (can't remember
which one) that /boot is unmounted during the boot process.  This makes
a lot of sense, since it is really only useful for a brief time during
boot and when making changes to the kernel (or boot loader in the case
of Grub).  Anyone making changes to the kernel or the boot loader knows
enough to mount the partition.  This effectively protects the /boot
filesystem from some sort of unforeseeable corruption and certain types
of security holes (local file overwrite attacks).
====== sidebar ======


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