[RULE] Help for Technical RULE talk at Linux Day Italy

Ingo Lantschner (Lists) ingo.lists at vum.at
Sat Nov 27 10:41:46 EET 2004

Marco Fioretti wrote:

> please be patient and throw at me *again* any link about existing reports, code, wishes, things to add to documentation and what not
> for slinky on Fedora Core 3. Ditto for all the other projects mentioned above, look for them in the software section.

Hi Marco,
I am LATE - Sorry, but it was not possible before. Here is a video, 
which is about Slinky in Kinshasa, 13 Minutes. It may not be very 
usefull in technical talks, but on the other side, sometimes its good to 
see, how things used.

(I have tested it with mplayer and MS-Media Player - both can play it fine.)

I will send you a better-quality-version by snailmail.

HTH regards, Ingo.
Ingo Lantschner
T (+43-1) 59 55 766
M (+43-664) 143 84 18

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