[RULE] Help for Technical RULE talk at Linux Day Italy

Marco Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Tue Nov 23 19:02:02 EET 2004

Hello, everybody.

Next saturday will be Linux Day in Italy, with LUGs all
over the country hosting conferences and shows to promote
Gnu/Linux and FLOSS in general.

A few days ago I was contacted by the Rome LUG to know if
I could give a RULE talk in a session devoted to FLOSS for
NGO/charity usage. I said yes. Later, that whole session was
canceled, but I was told "you are welcome anyway for a *technical* talk, as in "what is RULE doing that could be an interesting/useful
project for all hackers to play with?".

I accepted (see announce and italian abstract at http://wiki.lugroma.org/LinuxDay2004Talk) even if I'm certainly
not the best project member to discuss in depth technical issues,
to present the following RULE activities, in no particular order:

X server (ex Kdrive)
Distribution Analyzer
Rule Installer

I hope to raise interest so that more programmers come to help us
to test/improve the tools above.

Another reason for me to accept was that the risk of being embarassed
in public is a very strong motivator to make order in the website
and update the available online documentation for all the things


please be patient and throw at me *again* any link about existing reports, code, wishes, things to add to documentation and what not
for slinky on Fedora Core 3. Ditto for all the other projects mentioned above, look for them in the software section.

Unfortunately I have no working hardware
right now which I can use to test the latest slinky for fC3 myself,
but this is the right moment to enter all your work of the latest weeks in the website, obviously giving all due credit.

Sorry if there is little notice, I got the confirmation only this

All the documentation you help me to (re) write will be obviously
directly put on the website. The slideshow itself will be also
available online, and I will wrote it in English, so you can all
directly re-use it.

As far as slinky is concerned, the above can be also read as "are you
OK if we announce publicly the FC3 version, so we can get more testers
and feedback?"

Thank you in advance for any feedback,


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