[RULE] Slinky and Miniconda?

Geoff Burling llywrch at agora.rdrop.com
Sun Feb 16 07:21:50 EET 2003

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, M. Fioretti wrote:

> In general, RULE ISO images, as well as the latest miniconda and
> slinky, are supposed to be reachable from the RULE SW map
> (http://www.rule-project.org/en/sw/index.php) or, once I and Michael
> put them together, from their proper home pages. I hope to do
> something about this during the weekend. In the meantime, however, the
> latest version of everything is on Michael's server:
>       http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/rule/
> Is the computer you want to use already in the RULE test database:
>       http://www.rule-project.org/en/test/ ?
No this unit isn't. And unfortunately, it can't be added to this
database for very obvious reasons: the computer in question is owned
by my employer, a major corporation who manufacturers computer
hardware, & whose source of income is the exact opposite of the RULE
philosophy. Moreoever, there is the question of whether I'd need to
clear any results with corporate legal, deal with NDAs, et cetera,
ad nauseum. Not that I expect said company to be actively googling
the Internet for all possible thefts of knowledge, materials or
time, but why beg for trouble?

And seeing how I'm just a lowly contractor, it's best if I do my
experimentation with this computer under the radar. (My immediate
supervisors don't care about my use of this software, but are interested
in exploring further use of Linux on the i86 platform. I managed to
interest them in exploring some bleeding-edge abilities of the
Linux kernel the other week.)

Anyway, I'm thought I'd respond to Marco's post by dropping a hint
where RULE might be used in the near future. Hope my post is read by
all as a vote of confidence for this project.


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