[RULE] slinky-v0.3.5

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Sun Jan 12 18:08:43 EET 2003

Hash: SHA1

Last week, I rebuilt part of slinky, and put the slinky-v0.3.5 images 
on-line. (Only because I was helping someone with a pcmcia NFS install, 
and we needed pcmcia support. It worked in 8M of RAM on an i586) Today, 
having made several bugfixes, I finished the process, including building 
an ISO image.

However, since I forgot to change the version string in my build script, 
what we have is a new set of images for....
slinky-v0.3.5 ;)

The only person this might affect is who ever was downloading the 
slinky-v0.3.5 directory at the time I uploaded the images. Bad timing. ;)

Anyway it's on both my server and 

As always, the ISO is only on savannah. The ISO is bootable, and contains 
all the images, an i386 kernel package, a full set of modules for the 
installer kernel, etc.

$ head -15 CHANGELOG
slinky-v0.3.5   - Jan 12, 2003
                - Upgraded to uClibc-0.9.16 and rebuilt all
                  binaries against the new version.
                - Upgraded to busybox-0.60.5
                - Upgrade to nano-1.0.9
                - Bugfixes for i586 machines (7.2 and 7.3) Red Hat
                  did not include an i586 package for these releases.
                - Bugfix for default install method. 'cdrom' was
                  not recognized as a valid option.
                - Added a PCMCIA.img disk, including 'cardmgr', config
                  files, kernel modules, setup_pcmcia.sh to install
                  everything, and pcmcia.sh to start the pcmcia service.
                - Added rawrite in the dosutils directory on the cdrom.

The nano upgrade was brought on by my having experienced several segfaults 
using the old version. Whatever the problem was, it seems to be resolved.

Feeback of any sort would be wonderful.

- -- 
- -Michael

pgp key:  http://www.tuxfan.homeip.net:8080/gpgkey.txt
Red Hat Linux 7.{2,3}|8.0 in 8M of RAM: http://www.rule-project.org/
- --
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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