[Rule-list] Red Hat No Longer Supports 486

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Sat Nov 2 01:21:15 EET 2002

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On Wednesday 30 October 2002 07:46 pm, Eugene Wong wrote:
> I agree with what Liam said about RH not being the best at anything. I
> notice that during the install process, the most tedious thing about
> installing is knowing what the best software is for my needs. None of
> the rpms claim to be the fastest, smallest, "featurefulest",
> user-friendliest, most balanced, or anything else. Ever noticed how
> many ftp clients there are? Must we really install so many?
> Users, look at the choices that they have to make, with the lack of
> information, & decide to use what they are most familiar with. I think
> that this is tradgic, because it discourages positive change. They
> don't know for sure why one ftp client is better for their needs.

I don't know about that, I like multiple options. If I wanted an OS that 
decided what software I should use, I'd run MS Windows. This is also my 
main objection to the RH Bluecurve theme in 8.0. Very Microsoft like menu 
structure that assumes the user is brain dead. Click Email, and the 
default email application loads. Click Web Browser, and the default web 
browser opens. I just don't like it much at all.

> I think that that's the problem with open source. People don't try hard
> enough to compete for a bigger user base, or at least a niche group.

I like having options, and I don't see it as any sort of weakness with 
open source. You can say: "Here, you have 10 email clients, try them, it 
costs nothing to try. Pick one you like, use it, modify it, contribute to 
it, write your own application based on it, add features, disable 
features, anything you like. 

As opposed to:
Here is your email client. It has a huge user base, due to our 
monopolistic strangle hold on computer manufacturers. We've determined 
it's the best, so please ignore the fact that it opens security holes you 
can drive a truck through. But wait... If you think the email client is 
insecure, just wait till you try our default web browser!

I think I'd prefer the many options of open source. ;)

- -- 
- -Michael

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