[Rule-list] Red Hat No Longer Supports 486

Eugene Wong disposable_eugene at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 31 02:46:55 EET 2002

I agree with what Liam said about RH not being the best at anything. I 
notice that during the install process, the most tedious thing about 
installing is knowing what the best software is for my needs. None of the 
rpms claim to be the fastest, smallest, "featurefulest", user-friendliest, 
most balanced, or anything else. Ever noticed how many ftp clients there 
are? Must we really install so many?

Users, look at the choices that they have to make, with the lack of 
information, & decide to use what they are most familiar with. I think that 
this is tradgic, because it discourages positive change. They don't know for 
sure why one ftp client is better for their needs.

I think that that's the problem with open source. People don't try hard 
enough to compete for a bigger user base, or at least a niche group.

What he said about RULE being at the cross roads is correct. I would like to 
see RULE be *completely* customized for the the i386 & i486. It's such a 
niche market. As time goes on, i386 & i486 will become a bigger & bigger 
waste of time and money. Second-hand stores will eventually stop carrying 

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