[Rule-list] Slinky 0.2.4 saved my day!

Martin Stricker shugal at gmx.de
Thu May 23 01:17:11 EEST 2002

Yes, Michael, you did it! That server I have to install now has RULE on
it. So it must have been the enigma boot kernel having trouble with the
CD-ROM drive. The 2.4.18-4 kernel in slinky 0.2.4, is it the install
kernel of valhalla? Cannot await my RHL 7.3 boxed set...

Now for the usual bug reports (please excuse me if they are already
fixed, I did the download yesterday and still have to catch up on my
mail, I reached Sunday evening...):
Seemingly the / filesystem is mounted read-only, the screen is cluttered
up with
./setup.sh: cannot create install_log: Read-only file system

Also, in the CHANGELOG the last two entries are called 0.2.3 - I guess
the last one should be 0.2.4 ;-))

Michael and all, thank you very much for all the good work!

Best regards,
Martin Stricker

P.S.: I see both issues are fixed with Slinky 0.2.5. Great work!
Homepage: http://www.martin-stricker.de/
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