[Rule-list] another 486 update

Michael Fratoni mfratoni at tuxfan.homeip.net
Wed May 22 14:37:34 EEST 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 22 May 2002 02:30 am, Eugene Wong wrote:

Hi Eugene,

> I don't know why the rpms didn't install. I did them all manually, and
> never thought to log the errors. As you might expect, a lot of them
> scrolled off the screen. I'll try logging some errors and checking the
> md5sum and then get back to you.

The install log may contain some info as to why the rpm install failed the 
first time, as well.

> Also, I'll try working on the ftp option for installs, if that would
> help you. I was thinking that it would be helpful to have a different
> setup.sh script on a different disk2. The init script could copy over
> the setup.sh script on the ram disk and people can go from there. What
> do you think?

Sure, a stand alone script to do the downloading is fine. I can add the 
ability to install from local rpms to the installer.

> Also, where does one get wget? Would it be included in busybox or would
> I have to copy it onto to disk2?

wget is included in the file system image as part of busybox.

> How do we know which rpms need to be installed first? How do we know
> which ones have scripts? Is there an easy way of doing it, other than
> trial and error? I'd like to make a seperate package list for the
> absolute essentials.

The rpms are listed on disk2 in the second_stage_scripts directory and are 
sorted by install order. The base_packages list must be installed first, 
and contains everything to get a basic linux system working. The other 
*_package lists contain the files needed for optional package sets. 
(dhcp, dialup, laptop, net_tools, openssh server, etc.) If you install 
the rpms listed in the base packages script in order, you should see no 
To see the scripts a package will run, you can ask the package:
rpm -qp --scripts package-name.rpm
The output will look something like:
[mfratoni at paradox RPMS]$ rpm -qp --scripts anaconda-7.2-7RULE.i386.rpm
postinstall scriptlet (through /bin/sh):
chkconfig --add reconfig
preuninstall scriptlet (through /bin/sh):
if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
        chkconfig --del reconfig

Hope that helps,
- -- 
- -Michael

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Red Hat Linux 7.2 in 8M of RAM: http://www.rule-project.org/
- --
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