Egatastash modem kai fax

Efstathios Iosifidis diamantenios at
Sat Sep 15 14:29:31 EEST 2007

3ekinaw na balw to FAX. Opws mou eipate apo paliotero mail me lista apo 
ta programmata ekana to e3hs:

1. Egatastsh to efax-gtk

2. Ebgala to modem (eswteriko) na dw poio einai. Se ena xarti egrafe:
tornado bulk 56k/v92 (tor-562c-eu-b50).

Eida omws to tsipaki (etsi sunh8ws ekana se drivers sta windows). To 
tsipaki egrafe ta e3hs:

Paliotera me ton katestrameno disko mou prospa8hsa na to egatasthsw alla 
apetuxa. Ekana mia diadikasia (pou den 8umamai twra) kai mou eixe pei 
nomizw oti to modem einai Intel 536EP.

Epsa3a ligo sto net kai brhka auto:

Download the drivers for the modem here:*&lang=eng
Save the file, which is named Intel-536EP-4.71.tgz; on your Desktop.
Compiling the driver
Right click on the file and select This will create directory Intel-536 
with the source on your Desktop. Open a terminal window and type:
cd Desktop/Intel-536
make clean
This should produce output looking like this:
Try `uname --help' for more information.
cd coredrv; make clean
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/rory/Intel-536/coredrv'
rm -f *.ko *.o *~ core
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/rory/Intel-536/coredrv'
rm -f *.o *.ko
Now type
make 536
This will result in many lines of output being printed to the terminal 
window; you can ignore most of them. The final lines should look like this:
CC /home/<username>/Intel-536/coredrv/Intel536.mod.o
LD [M] /home/<username>/Intel-536/coredrv/Intel536.ko
make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-9-386'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/<username>/Intel-536/coredrv'
There should be an Intel536.ko file in the directory now; test this by 
ls -l Intel536.ko
The output should look like:
-rw-r--r-- 1 <username><username> 1070980 2006-05-06 21:02 Intel536.ko
Your dates and times will be different. If you are using Dapper, the 
file size (1070980) should be the same.
Installing the driver
There are two steps to installing the driver. The first is to copy the 
Intel536.ko file created above to an appropriate directory, and the 
second is to cause the driver to be loaded at boot time.
To install the Intel536.ko file, copy the file to the modules directory 
with this command:
sudo cp Intel536.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/char
Make your system aware of this module with depmod:
sudo depmod -a
Finally, load the driver with the modprobe command:
sudo modprobe Intel536
This command should not print a response; if it prints something like this:
FATAL: Module Intel536 not found.
you have made an error; most likely you have copied the file to the 
wrong place. If you see a different error message, there may be an error 
in the module, or your modem, or you may not have a Intel 536-based modem.
Loading the driver at boot time
To load the module at boot time, we need to add a line "Intel536" to the 
file /etc/modules.
Open the file /etc/modules and with kwrite, Kate or Gedit and enter a 
line at the end:
Using the modem
The name of your modem device is /dev/536ep0. You can now use sudo 
pppconfig to set up pon & poff. To use Kppp you will need to create a 
symlink be able to link the /dev/536ep0 to /dev/modem. Udev rewrites the 
/dev on each reboot and you thus have to create a new file with kwrite, 
kate or gedit in /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules and put the following 
lines in it:
# Intelmodem536ep
KERNEL="536ep0"' SYMLINK="modem"
Now reboot and you can use Kppp to query the modem as this is a quick 
check if all is well before dialling out. Configure KPP for your ISP 
connection. These Intel modems are found to be more stable and less 
finicky that the Smartlink types on Ubuntu.

Epishs exw ena allo modem MOTOROLA eswteriko. To tsipaki epanw grafei:


Auto pou 8elw na rwthsw einai

1. poio apo ta 2 modem einai pio eukolo na egatasta8ei.
2. Pws ega8istatai
3. Pws leitourgei to programma "efax-gtk" gia na lambanw fax kai na 
stelnw fax. Me boleuei na grafw se ena programma kai na kanw print ston 
fax. Epishs na anoigw to programma kai meta apo 2 xthphmata na lambanei 
to fax (auto 8a ginetai mesa apo tis epiloges logika).

Euxaristw gia thn upomonh sas.

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