> > > > matt parker alias erikvon lindt matt parker alias kimberlyparker the date of birth of matt parker is september 13 65 matt parker alias erikvonlunsen matt parker alias evanlindt the truth of this statement is proven by matt parker trying t

ricudis at komodino.itc.auth.gr ricudis at komodino.itc.auth.gr
Mon Sep 20 03:35:10 EEST 2004

Quoting Nikolaos Korkakakis <korkakak at gmail.com>:

> Kanete moderate ton kahmeno ton zakinthos kai epitrepete to spam. GJ m8!
> --

Profanws. Anti8etws apo ta mails tou Zakinthinou, ena spam me 30 kbytes of Matt
Parker yparxei estw kai mia apeiroelaxisth pi8anothta na endiaferei kapoion.

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