you gotta love this mutt

Stelios Bounanos sb at
Sat Mar 23 08:25:02 EET 2002

 >>>>> On Sat, 23 Mar 2002 01:45:34 +0200, Giorgos Keramidas
 >>>>> <keramida at> was runoured to have said:

 > On 2002-03-22 22:07, Christos Ricudis wrote:
 >> At Thu, 21 Mar 2002 07:11:43 +0000,
 >> Stelios Bounanos wrote:
 >> > Proteinw to Wanderlust, IMHO apla skotwnei ola ta ypoloipa.
 >> > Customizable & documented mexri ahdias, folders, threads, address
 >> > book, aliases, templates, nntp, imap, pop, mime, bale kai mailcrypt,
 >> > w3m & supercite kai terma... Epishs ftiaxnei <favourite beverage> kai
 >> > einai arketa grhgoros gia lispoprogramma.
 >> > 
 >> > An soy kinhsa thn periergeia perna apo to
 >> > kai meta apo ena-dyo sabbatokyriaka configuration se blepw na sbhneis
 >> > ola ta alla :)
 >> To 8ewrhsa mia poly omorfh eykairia gia na ma8w na xrhsimopoiw ton Emacs. 
 >> Omologw oti pote moy den ta phgaina idiaiterws kala me thn lisp, an kai
 >> pisteyw oti otan me gnwrisei kalytera mallon 8a me sympa8hsei. To kalo
 >> me ta Emacs add-ons einai oti ta perissotera einai orthogonal metaksy toys, 
 >> to kako einai oti briskw ta bindings toy mallon counter-intuitive. Apo
 >> kei kai pera einai 8ema synh8eias, mexri na ksesynh8isw na grafw aytomatws
 >> 'joe' h 'vi'. 
 >> Kai mia erwthsh gia toys emacsades : Most packages require some customization
 >> sto ~/.emacs arxeio moy - poio einai to antistoixo system-wide? 

 > Emacs -> Help -> Manual...
 > Command Line Arguments::
 > Initial Options::

 > 	   Some initial options affect the loading of init files.  The normal
 > 	actions of Emacs are to first load `site-start.el' if it exists, then
 > 	your own init file `~/.emacs' if it exists, and finally `default.el' if
 > 	it exists; certain options prevent loading of some of these files or
 > 	substitute other files for them.

 > Thelei ligo psaksimo gia na anakalupseis pos auto to file paei sto
 > ${PREFIX}/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.el
 > alla mallon edo to documentation einai ligo athlio...

Hmm, nai, kai to pws akribws ginetai to initialization toy emacs
eksartatai apo to poios ton ekane package... Gia paradeigma, ston
emacs21 toy Debian yparxei ena debian-startup.el poy fortwnei
arxeia apo to /etc/emacs/site-start.d kai /etc/emacs21/site-start.d
('h kati tetoio, den exei xreiastei pote na ta allaksw).

Sto Debian kai pali, ayta einai documented edw:

Anyway, xrhsimo tip gia osoys programmatizoyn ton emacs toys:
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook '(lambda ()
                                   (eldoc-mode 1)))

 > Giorgos Keramidas                       FreeBSD Documentation Project
 > keramida@{,}


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