fonts se console

Lempesis Antonios stud1122 at
Fri Jan 26 02:12:01 EET 2001

Hairetw sas,
  Dio provlimatakia:

1)  dinwntas 'setfont kati' stin konsola, ta fonts allazoun mono gia to
tty auto kai ohi se ola. Episis an apo to yast allaxw to default font kai
kanw reboot, to font auto yparhei mono stin tty1 enw stis alles konsole
yparxei to default font. Ti ehw kanei strava?

2)  mia stis toses kanwntas reboot, tin wra pou prospathei na fortvsei ta
modules, den mporei na vrei kanena apo auta. Meta apo psaksimo vrika oti
kati (ohi egw) peirazei to /lib/modules/2.4.0/modules.dep .Pws mporw na to
empodisw auto? einai poli vareto na prepei na to ksanavazw kathe fora sti
thesi tou.

Thanks gia opoia voithia.

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