unformat (?) ext2

Spiros Bolis sbolis at freemail.gr
Sun Dec 30 16:50:01 EET 2001

xairetizw th lista,
kanonika tha eprepe na rwtaw kati allo (pws briskoyn backup superblocks)
alla ta katafera kai formarisa teleiws to ypo syzhthsh filesystem
me thn entolh

mkfs -V /dev/hdXX

To erwthma einai aplo
Yparxei kapoio utility poy borei na anasyrei ta stoixeia apo to disko
profanws apo th stigmh poy den exw grapsei tipota epanw toy?

(h apanthsh 3erw pws borei na einai e3isoy aplh- oxi)

Kales ypoloipes giortes,

Spiros D. Bolis

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