Xeirismos services

George Moniodis ea99514 at di.uoa.gr
Sun Apr 8 13:25:02 EEST 2001

Tha hthela na rotiso pos einai dynaton na kano start/stop sto telnet service
apo to command line.
Dokimasa sto /etc/rc.d/init.d opos douleuoun ta perissotera, dokimasa to
"service in.telnetd" alla den ta katafera. O monos tropos pou exo kataferei
os tora einai apo ntsysv oste otan kano reboot na petyxei.
Episis otan genika allazo to service configuration me to ntsysv yparxei
tropos na energopoihso tis allages xoris na kano reboot ?


George Moniodis

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