
Mattheos T. Cotzias n0spam.tifozif1 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 4 13:16:00 EEST 2001

Mexri prin ligo kairo elega oti xwris WinOS den 8a ekmetalebomoun to
mhxanhma mou (kai apo plevras Software kai Hardware). Elega siga mhn mporesw
na dw DVD kai TV apo to PC mou me Linux, klp. Telika estisa to linux kai an
kai den ta exw kataferei na dw DVDmovies, ola ta alla, oti ekana sta WinOSes
to kanw kai apo to linux. Den kserw omws giati den exw kanei format sta
windows. Isos logw DVD. Oute bebaia pentakanalo hxo exw akoma alla siga siga
to stinw. H monh empeiria pou eixa apo Unixoidh OS htan ena palio Xenix. H
wra tou fdisk pantws plhsiazei. Fantasthte kai na hksera apo Linux.

Mattheos Cotzias

Remove the two "n0spam." to reply.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
"Christos Ricudis" <ricudis at paiko.gr> wrote in message
news:MSGID_2=3A413=2F11.98=40fidonet_2ef0027d at fidonet.org...
> Hello all!
> Eimai o monos, h exoun antilhf8ei kai alloi thn yparksh twra teleytaia
> typwn pou eginan en mia nykti toso fanatikoi opadoi toy free software/open
> source oso fanatikoi opadoi tou windoze world htan x8es, molis
antilhf8hkan thn
> pi8anothta na toys strimwksei agria o SDOE/BSA gia to antegrammeno
> poy xrhsimopoioyn?
> Oxi tipote allo, anarwtiemai aplws poso gyftoi mporei na einai pia
> --
> Christos Ricudis
> In God we trust.
> All others must present a valid X.509 certificate.

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