Song time

Antonis Kanavouras ankan at
Wed May 17 17:11:36 EEST 2000

Christos Ricudis wrote:
> Hello all!
> X8es to brady, to ?whatever? #linux kanali esfyze poihtikhs
> dia8esews, kai h mousa edine thn empneysh stoys pareyriskomenous, oi
> opoioi afou dialeksan apo thn klhrwtida sthn tyxh kapoio random
> username apo thn LGU, epoihsan ta parakatw aristourghmata. Opoios
> anagnwrisei ta originals kerdizei mpiskotaki :
> ?demonmass? Mother do you think, DJ ART sux ?
> ?ricudis? Mother do you think he tries to break our balls?
> ?demonmass? oooooooh
> ?keramida? "uuuh, mum, i'll built him in a wall"
> ?demonmass? thelw ena vradi, na kanw ena parti, parti apo keina ta palia,
>             kai na kalesw se keino to parti olous ektos ap'ton DJ ART
> ?demonmass? na'rthei o kabrianhs, na'rthei i sophia, na'rthei o ricudis,
>             na'rthei o Charlot
> ?demonmass? the first time I read his posting I was petrified
> ?demonmass? I thought I had never seen so much of crappy lies
> ?demonmass? but then I started thinking hard about the net
> ?demonmass? and I was strong
> ?demonmass? and I knew how to get along
> ?demonmass? so I un-subscribed
> ?demonmass? put him on .procmailrc
> ?demonmass? I don't want him
> ?demonmass? to pollute the postings anymore
> ?ricudis? 8a pe8anw ayto to bradyyyyyy
> ?ricudis? ki allo mail toy aaaan dwwwwwww
> ?demonmass? 4 xronia DJ-ART
> ?demonmass? kai mia koutsh kithara
> ?demonmass? riksame kai 2-3 tar
> ?demonmass? kai kana ppp mesa sto faq
> ?demonmass? What is this
> ?demonmass? that staaaaaands before me...
> ?demonmass? Another Posting
> ?demonmass? By DJ ART?!
> ?demonmass? I look at it
> ?demonmass? and start to run...
> ?demonmass? but never
> ?demonmass? was it true
> ?ricudis? well I heard DJ ART wrote about it
> ?ricudis? well I heard DJ ART put it down
> ?ricudis? well I hope DJ ART will remember
> ?ricudis? a true linuxer doesn't need him around anyhow
> ?ricudis? sweet home l-g-u where the articles are so blue
> ?ricudis? sweet home l-g-u, DJ ART I'm coming home to you
> ?ricudis? his postings make me feel blue, now how about you?
> ?ricudis? He's a cold ballbreaker fitta burn
> ?ricudis? and he'll rip your balls in two
> ?ricudis? he'll post another one before you wake
> ?ricudis? that's nothing new to you
> ?ricudis? cause I think you've seen his postings too
> ?ricudis? Well holidays came and then they go
> ?ricudis? that's nothing new to you
> ?ricudis? collect another USENET batch
> ?ricudis? When DJ ART fires his TIN
> ?ricudis? don't ask him what he'll write
> ?ricudis? just count the brain cells you've left
> ?ricudis? There is a mailing list they call the LGU
> ?ricudis? And it's been the ruin of many a poor brains
> ?ricudis? and god I know I'm one
> ?ricudis? the only thing DJ ART need is a keyboard and chum
> ?ricudis? and the only time we'll get satisfied is when he'll be on a drum
> ?ricudis? Hey mother tell your children
> ?ricudis? not to do what DJ ART has done
> ?ricudis? spend their lives in sin and misery
> ?ricudis? in the mailing list called LGU
> ?demonmass? not let them write like chimpangees
> ?demonmass? :?
> ?demonmass? in the heart of LGU
> ?demonmass? :?
> ?ricudis? SEE THE DJ ART
> ?ricudis? bullets flying taking toll
> ?ricudis? if you've seen his posts, god I bet you have
> ?ricudis? and you've been hit by flying sperm
6: Black Sabbath - to omwnymo

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