Panayotis Vryonis
vrypan at hellug.gr
Wed Nov 17 22:54:47 EET 1999
Ioannis Ioannou wrote:
> Amis Geo wrote:
> > Error reason:lpr:connect: Connection refused jobs queue,
> > but cannot start daemon.
> > Ti prepei na kamw, dia na diorthothei to problema;
> Ti leei to minima ? Sou ekane spool tin diergasia, alla "cannot start
> daemon". Ara prepei na yparxei kapoios demonas pou tha eprepe na trexei,
> kai malista den mporei na ton sikwsei
> Hints : O demonas legetai lpd. H den ton exeis energopoihsei, h den ton
> exeis kanei kan egkatastash
> Gia psakto ligo...
Akomh, mporei na prospa8ei na ksekinhsei ton lpd alla gia "texnikous"
logous na apotugxanei. P.x. Sto /etc/printtab exeis dhlwsei /dev/lp0
enw einai /dev/lp1, exeis kanei compile ton kernel xwris uposthriksh
parallhlhs, exeis kanei compile ton kernel me thn parallhlh se module
alla den to fortwneis gia kapoio logo...
Rikse kai mia matia sta /var/log/messages. Yparxei kati sxetiko
pou na diafwtizei?
This will end your Windows session. Play again?
Panayotis Vryonis
vrypan at hellug.gr + http://www.eeea.gr/baza
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