Anamoni klisis

Alexander Deliyannis adeliyan at
Sun May 2 18:37:23 EEST 1999

At 02:18 ìì 2/5/1999 +0300, GeorgeG wrote:
>re paidia pws ginetai na shkwneis to thlefwno kai na afhneis se anamonh to
>Internet apo th stigmh pou th grammh thn exei to modem?????
>emena to thlefwno menei nekro ama to shkwsw!!!
>Yparxei kapoia parametropoihsh????
>an nai peite mou na to kanw kai egw........wraia fash!!!

H apantisi einai apli: profanws to modem sou paremvaletai anamesa sto
tilefwno kai tin tilefwniki grammi. An ta eixes parallila, tha mporouses na
sikwneis to tilefwno kai na akous ta #$@787%^^!!~~ tou modem (pragma oxi
kalo) h na pairneis ti grammi pou vrisketai se anamoni (pragma kalo).


Alexander Deliyannis, PO box 24089, 11110 Athens, GREECE
Tel.: +30-1-2113812, Fax: +30-1-3845330, Mob.: +30-97-445666
e-mail: adeliyan at 

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-Curt Kobain

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