User panic: Den bootarei to Linux!

Yiannis Galanomatis jgalanomatis at
Sat Jan 23 12:25:10 EET 1999

Mia fora kai enan kairo prospa9hsa na bw sta X ws aplos xrhsths (oxi san
Dhmou, san oxi-root) kai ta X den trexan.
Ctrl+Alt+F2 (eixe fortwsei o server alla den evgene
to interface), Alt+F1 kai vlepw
na leei kati gia to /dev/null. Kanw ls sto /dev kai vlepw to
null na einai ena aplo executable arxeio 0kB mhkous. Skefthka
oti anti gia redirection ekana copy. Stelnw ena mynhma sthn
lista gia to pws 9a ftiaxw thn katastash, kai mou hr9e mia
apanthsh na kanw "mknod /dev/null c 1 3" enw egw xehasthka
kai ekana ".. c 1 2". San na mhn eftane afto, agorasa ligo
argotera kai mia SBLive kai otan thn evala ekana mia genikh
anakatataxh twn irqs. Den xerw poio apo ta dyo efere ton
megalytero bela, alla to apotelesma htan oti otan prospa9w
na bw sto linux pairnw ta exhs:

Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address
current -> tss.cr3 = 07e46000. %cr3 = 07e46000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0002
CPU: 0
Process grep (pid: 25 process nr: 6 stack page: c7dc9000)
[periexomena twn kataxwrhtwn]

amesws prin kanei "checking filesystems"
enw meta apo ligo perimenei ep'apeiron sto
"initializing random number generator"

Prospa9hsa na kanw Update tou installation, kanena apotelesma.
Prospa9hsa na bootarw apo thn boot disk, akoma xeirotera.
Prospa9hsa na kanw reinstall, xwris na epilexw fysika na xana-
formarw ton disko, kai xwris na epilxw paketa gia installation,
otan arhise na ega9ista ta paketa pou htan aparaithta,
meta apo 1 apotyxia installation, 1 emfanhsh thn paromoias
o9onhs me thn bootarismatos, kollaei entelws me to exhs mynhma:

VFS: Cannot open root device 08:21
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 08:21
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address ca68739a
current -> tss.cr3 = 00101000, %cr3 = 00101000
*pde = 00000000
Oops: 0002
CPU: 0
[periexomena twn kataxwrhtwn]

kai m'afhnei na koitaw aporhmenos. Etsi to allo prwi
bhka sto internet apo to "Evil OS" kai esteila sthn
lista to provlhma mou. Tote ena gennaio palikari
mou apanthse oti...

[h synexeia epi ths o9onhs sas]

Linux 2,2,0 pre5
Redhat 5,1 (glibc)

Special thanks:
s'afton pou apanthsei

A production of:
K6/233 se soyo, 128 ram


* Thn porta san eperasa *
* kai pathsa mia plaka, *
* thn shkwsa kai egrafe *
* "Thn pathses malaka"  *
*                       *
*     [agnwstou poihth] *

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