Rrovlima me Xwindows kai ta windows

Paul Parissis surfking at ath.forthnet.gr
Thu Nov 5 01:02:01 EET 1998

Edosa tin entolh kai me evgale se grafiko perivalon.
Dilosa to monitor, den eixe thn Daewoo alla evala sto custom tin epilogh oti to
monitor pianei sta 1280x1024 at 60Hz giati exei afto sto manual ths othonis, sto
vertical frequency evala 40-150,  h dikia moy exei sto manual 47-120. meta evala
16bit sta 800x600.aa moy anagnorise thn karta cirrus logic 5430/40 PCI exo. meta
sthn teleftaia othoni evala dump, an thimame kala pantos oxi don't dump.

Teleiose to programa kai me evgale se mia othonh me blue xroma kai egrafe kato
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

trexo startx kai pali ta idia.

Oso anafora to provlima me ta wind95, den exo provlima me to a: kai to c:. Aplos
o explorer kai otidipote exei na kanei sto na exo prosbash stoys sto hd kolai.

Ta windows95 den vlepoun ta partition toy linux?

Demetris Demetriou wrote:

> Paul Parissis wrote:
> >
> > To minima pou pira otan edosa startx einai to parakato:
> > Could not find config file!
> > -Tried
> >         /root/XF86Config
> >         /etc/XF86Config
> >         /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF68/Config.localhost.localdomain
> >         /usr/X11F6/LIB/X11/XF86Config
> kai ego Rh5.1 exo kai to XF86Config to bazi sto /etc/X11
> >
> > Eipes oti mporei na min exo to /etc/X11/XF86Config , pos tha to apoktiso.
> Etre3es to programma  Xconfigurator?
> grapse sto shell /usr/X11R6/bin/Xconfigurator
> meta 8a bre8is me ena XF86Config eite sto /etc/X11 eite sto
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11
> (opou kai nane den pirazi. to startx 8a to brei.)
> > Ego sto setup den afairesa programata mono ena gia kati games.
> > Oson anafora to format sto ext2 to programa ekane sto hda2(swap area) ekane
> > format alla kai sto hda3 (root)
> > Afta ta partion ta ekana me to fdisk(tou linux) to hda2 kai to hda3 primary
> > den ekana kanena extended.
> ext2 ine to onoma tou linux filesystem. den exi kamia sxesi me to extended
> partition
> pu kanis apo to fdisk. auto su to ipa gia tin periptosi pu to win95 kolluse
> otan diabazes to
> D:
> Demetri
> --
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