Antexei to linux !!! :)

Christofer Karatzinis chka at
Wed Oct 8 13:36:08 EEST 1997

Hi all,

Deite to linux tou panepistimiou (tou net-soc). ANTEXEI (ws twra) me 115
users!!! Na mou to legane, den 0a to pisteua. (to flash einai ena menu
programma pou trexoun oi xristes).


 11:24am  up 8 days, 10:43, 115 users,  load average: 3.56, 2.82, 2.30
User     tty       login@  idle   JCPU   PCPU  what
keoghg   ttys1    11:19am     4                -flash
adevine  ttyp0    11:22am                      pine
mdoyle   ttyp1    10:22am    51      1         -flash
niallm   ttyp2    Tue 3pm 11:52  28:38      3  -tcsh
djordan  ttyp3    Tue 8am         1:21      1  /usr/bin/w
cait     ttyp5    11:20am                      most +s /usr/users/help/flashdoc
tlowen   ttyp6    10:58am            1         pine
ained    ttyp7    10:37am                      -flash
johnok   ttyp8    11:09am     9                -flash
pcox     ttypa    Tue11am                      -tcsh
djordan  ttyp9    Tue 5pm    52                -tcsh
annecole ttypb    10:38am     4      6      5  pine
finbarro ttypd     9:14am                      -tcsh
deirdrec ttypc    11:20am                      pine
declanf  ttyq0    11:22am                      pine
roryl    ttyq1    11:16am     3                -flash
cathaln  ttyq2    11:14am            1      1  pine
pbyrne   ttyq3    11:13am            1      1  pine
alcronin ttyq4    11:12am                      pine
jwhite   ttyq6    10:59am            2         pine
adame    ttyq9     9:49am            2      1  finger
nicom    ttyq5    11:16am            2         -flash
mcoll    ttyqb    10:55am            1         pine
kevinr   ttyqd    10:40am     5                -tcsh
jneytche ttyq7     9:54am                      telnet
adame    ttyr1     9:53am                      pine
moran    ttyr0    11:11am                      pine
endab    ttyqe    10:24am    52                pine
mwalsh   ttyqf    10:25am            2      1  pine
markgray ttyqa    11:21am                      -
daveor   ttyr5    11:15am     3                -tcsh
markbr   ttyr6    11:18am     6                -flash
okelly   ttyr2    11:20am                      pine
maireadl ttyr3     8:45am  2:39                -flash
petermcg ttyra     9:59am    13      3         -flash
ysw      ttyr8    10:18am  1:04                -flash
shakira  ttyr7    10:10am     5                -tcsh
paulfitz ttyrb    10:55am                      niceftp
dmurph   ttyrc    11:13am     3                -flash
plalor   ttyr9    11:02am                      pine
ags      ttyre    10:23am            2         pine
mcgniall ttyq8    10:11am    17                -flash
pamq     ttyrd    10:51am            1         pine
oisin    ttys0    10:38am    45                -flash
johno    ttyrf    11:07am            1         pine
mun      ttys3    10:12am    36      3         pine
donlhyde ttys2    10:07am  1:04                pine
andrewmc ttys8    11:17am                      -tcsh
johncl   ttys4    11:21am     2                /usr/slocal/bin/flash
kilkenny ttys7    11:08am                      pine
niallm   ttys9    11:10am                      -tcsh
aida     ttysb    11:21am                      pine
jhoran   ttys5    10:24am            3         -flash
johncl   ttysa    11:19am                      -
nmullen  ttyse    10:26am    57                -flash
mmullins ttysd    11:23am                      ytalk -x nok
zoek     ttysf    11:17am     2      2         sh /usr/slocal/bin/elm
mikeb    ttys6    10:22am     4                -tcsh
eoink    ttyt1    10:55am            3         -flash
rcon     ttysc    11:05am            3         -
pamq     ttyt0    10:29am    36                pine
odaly    ttyt2    11:15am     7                -flash
annehol  ttyt6    10:57am    23                -flash
nok      ttyt5    10:55am     4                lynx -ftp -noprint -restrictions
rcarroll ttyta    11:15am                      pine
mickg    ttyt9    11:04am    15                pine
danduff  ttyt8    11:24am                      -flash
lauraw   ttyt4    11:20am     1                -flash
johnm    ttyt7    11:05am                      pine
rojack   ttytb    10:44am     5      4         -flash
moran    ttyt3    10:38am    43                flash /usr/slocal/bin/mailshell
hargaden ttyte    11:13am            1         pine
bmolloy  ttytf    11:02am            2      2  pine
allio    ttytc    10:50am    15      1         pine
miriamh  ttyu0    11:22am                      pine
pshortt  ttyu2    11:09am                      pine
ewyse    ttyu1    11:21am            1         wo
tom      ttyu4    11:04am                      -flash
eanna    ttyu5    11:23am                      -flash
albertw  ttyu6    10:46am     3                -tcsh
rbattye  ttyu3    11:22am                      -
alang    ttyu7    11:21am                      -flash
swynne   ttyu9    11:19am                      pine
kmcgill  ttyuc    11:15am                      pine
jamieoc  ttyud    10:51am     8      2      2  pine
farahk   ttyue    11:20am                      pine
joannas  ttyuf    11:07am                      -
denisef  ttyv2    11:17am                      hey
cflynn   ttyv5    10:53am    29                most +s /usr/users/help/flashdoc
markob   ttyv9    11:24am                      -flash
paulfitz ttyv6    11:19am                      ytalk -x zoek
markob   ttyva    11:20am                      pine
jcanny   ttyv0    11:13am    11                -flash
sugrue   ttyvc    11:05am                      pine
egrant   ttyv3    11:18am                      pine
johnk    ttyve    11:23am     1                -flash
macs     ttyw0    11:21am                      most +s /usr/users/daireb/IRC/Ir
nog      ttyvf    11:23am                      -flash
orlac    ttyv8    11:21am                      pine
nog      ttyv4    11:18am     3                -flash
andrewak ttyv1    11:18am                      pine
lreidy   ttyvb    10:58am            1         pine
conormc  ttyw2    11:22am                      bash ./tin
pheff    ttyw3    10:57am    10                most +s /usr/users/help/flashdoc
niamhoc  ttyw4    11:23am                      pine
akiely   ttyvd    11:21am                      -flash
davidg   ttyw6    10:58am     3      1         -flash
jennyh   ttyw8    11:07am                      pine
pkeeney  ttywa    10:58am    25                -flash
emps     ttyw7    11:07am                      pine
hamat    ttywb    11:23am                      -
dave     ttyw5    11:23am                      pine
zoek     ttyw1    11:22am                      hey
eimerm   ttyx0    11:10am                      -
fmahon   ttyx1    11:08am     3                -

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