Linux 2.0.29 modules.

Liakakis Kostas kostas at
Thu Mar 27 00:54:24 EET 1997

On Tue, 25 Mar 1997, Alexios Chouchoulas wrote:

>   Gi'afto kanoume ton kernel compile me make(1) kai oxi me kati san
> gcc `find /usr/src/linux/ -name '*.c' -print` -o vmlinux. An kathe fora pou
> kaname make ksanaginotan compiler o kernel apo thn arxh, h zwh tha htan mia

Ama kaneis make config, 0a ton kanei compile. To paidi h0ele na pai3ei me
ta tis ry0miseis gia ton hxo, ekane loipon make config. Kai make modules
na kaneis, pali kanei ola ta modules apo thn arxh an peira3eis to config.h
Einai mia poly kakh symperifora, paliotera htan akomh xeiroterh otan
yphrxe mono ena kentriko tetoio. Tora merika yposysthmata basizontai sto
diko tous.

> frikh gia kathe kernel hacker (den pistevw na perimenei kaneis oti o Linus
> perimenei mish writsa gia na dei ti ekane h mia grammh pou allakse ston
> kernel!).

O Linus thn teleutaia fora pou diabasa, exei ena katse-kala-alpha kai to
compilation tou pernei 2 me 3 lepta to poly.

- -K.

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