drop sendmail !

Costas Vlassis lonewolf at compulink.gr
Sun Mar 2 21:46:18 EET 1997

	Loipon osoi exete bare8ei ta bugs kai to risko na trexete
to sendmail, CHANGE you mailer !  Mexri proteinos h alli lisi
htan to smail poy kai ayto i8ele poly diabasma gia na bei sosta
sto mixanima.  Ego tora proteino to qmail !  Einai enas ftntastikos
mailer poy doylebei eksisoy kala kai se mixanimata me PPP/SLIP
sindesi mias kai kanei masquarading poly efkola !

	Nai einai ligo distropo sto install mias kai prepei na
kaneis me to xeri ta users/groups poy 8elei alla toylaxiston
exeis monima to kefali soy isixo.  Akomi prosoxi an to dokimasete
dioti pleon to mail den einai sto spool dir alla pigenei directly
sto home dir ka8e user... Kalo or kako depends on what you do...

	Isos ama bro to xrono na grapso kati sxetika me ayto sto HELUG
alla kante toy kai ena test kai eseis na do mia genikoteri eikona !
- --
| Costas Vlassis       | E-mail: lonewolf at compulink.gr                  |
| Student of N.U.O.A.  | URL: htttp://www.compulink.gr/users/lonewolf/  |
| Chemistry Dept       | Hellenic Linux User Group WWW Pages maintainer |
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