Mia mikrh apogohteush

Alexios Chouchoulas alexios at vennea.demon.co.uk
Fri Feb 28 06:39:38 EET 1997

[script deleted]

Epeidh (a) den eimai kai kanas eksypnos opws lene kai merikoi gnwstoi kai
(b) h glwssa programmatismou ounix (sic) einai dyskolh, ta ekana salata sto
prohgoumeno script, me apotelesma to swap FILE na katagrafetai sto
/etc/fstab opou mpainoun ta swap PARTITIONS.

Bzzzzzt. Xasate 20 bathmous.

Na to diortwmeno script pou prosthetei thn entolh swapon _arxeio_ sto rc
arxeio ths areskeias sas (rythmiste th metablhth rclocal):


# Oi parakatw dyo metablhtes einai gia to Slackware. Sto systhma sas mporei
# na diaferoun.


# Elegxoume gia swsth syntaksh

if [ .$1 = . -o .$2 = . ]; then
        echo Syntax: $0 swapfile_filespec size_in_MBytes
        echo         eg $0 /swap/new_swap 16


# Elegxoume an to arxeio einai absolute filename (dhl arxizei apo to root
# directory).

if [ `echo $fname|cut -b 1` \!= / ]; then
        echo You MUST use an absolute filename.
        echo For example, \"/boot/swap/new_swap\", NOT just \"new_swap\"

# Den peirazoume arxeia pou yparxoun hdh.

if [ -e $fname ]; then
        echo File $fname already exists.

# Ok, fygame.

echo Creating swapfile $fname, $blocks kbytes.
dd if=/dev/zero of=$fname bs=1024 count=$blocks &&
sync &&  # Afto deixnei na xreiazetai, xmmmm.
mkswap $fname $blocks && sync &&
swapon $fname &&
cp ${rclocal}{,-old} &&
echo $swapon $fname >>$rclocal &&
echo Done, old $rclocal saved as ${rclocal}-old


Alexios Chouchoulas          '88    ,88'   ,88'     alexios at vennea.demon.co.uk
The Unpronouncable One      ,o88oooo88ooooo88oo,              axc at dcs.ed.ac.uk
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