Mia mikrh apogohteush
Alexios Chouchoulas
alexios at vennea.demon.co.uk
Fri Feb 28 06:25:06 EET 1997
> Pou to ftiaxno? 8elo na po den prepei na xalaso ena partition?
> Dhaldh an "koco" ena meros apo to partition tou linux den 8a xreiastei
> format kai ola apo thn arxh?
An den exeis partition kai den theleis na ftiakseis kainourio (den
xreiazetai format, mporeis na kaneis non-destructive repartitioning -- des
to FIPS.EXE sta CD tou Linux) mporeis na ftiakseis arxeio. Na mia kapws pio
asfalhs kai genikevmenh parallagh tou script pou emfanisthke prin apo kati
wres sth lista (treksto xwris parametrous gia na sou pei ti kanei).
# Elegxoume gia swsth syntaksh
if [ .$1 = . -o .$2 = . ]; then
echo Syntax: $0 swapfile_filespec size_in_MBytes
echo eg $0 /swap/new_swap 16
# Elegxoume an to arxeio einai absolute filename (dhl arxizei apo to root
# directory).
if [ `echo $fname|cut -b 1` \!= / ]; then
echo You MUST use an absolute filename.
echo For example, \"/boot/swap/new_swap\", NOT just \"new_swap\"
# Den peirazoume arxeia pou yparxoun hdh.
if [ -e $fname ]; then
echo File $fname already exists.
# Ok, fygame.
echo Creating swapfile $fname, $blocks kbytes.
dd if=/dev/zero of=$fname bs=1024 count=$blocks &&
sync && # Afto deixnei na xreiazetai, xmmmm.
mkswap $fname $blocks &&
sync &&
swapon $fname &&
cp /etc/fstab{,-old} &&
echo $fname none swap defaults 1 1 >>/etc/fstab &&
echo Done, old /etc/fstab saved as /etc/fstab-old
Alexios Chouchoulas '88 ,88' ,88' alexios at vennea.demon.co.uk
The Unpronouncable One ,o88oooo88ooooo88oo, axc at dcs.ed.ac.uk
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