[Lbw2007] Large event in Crete, Greece this summer in need of Assurers (fwd)

Spiros Bolis sbolis at freemail.gr
Sun Feb 25 23:20:39 EET 2007

After a lot of poking around I found the correct (?) e-mail address
to send our demand.

It'd be very nice if we can have a CAcert assurance party for our LBW
event in Crete in September

Please read below for more, if you need any extra info, I'll be happy to
look into them


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 00:56:28 +0200 (EET)
From: Spiros Bolis <sbolis at freemail.gr>
To: cacert-support at lists.cacert.org
Cc: lbw2007 at lists.hellug.gr
Subject: Large event in Crete, Greece this summer in need of Assurers

Hi guys,

I've sent the following through the form on the website a couple of days
ago and immediately after that I got subscribed to this mailing list.

Since there's no answer guess that it didn't come through (or that I did
something very wrong! ;-) )

I think that due to the high concentration of geeks, it'll be a very
nice opportunity to broaden the WOT of CA-Cert (especially in Greece!)

P.S. Everyone is welcome to join of course


Hi guys,

This year we, the Hellenic Linux Users Group, are organizing the Linux
Beer Wanderung (Linux Beer Hike), "a week-long event which takes place
in a different European country each summer, drawing together Open
Source software enthusiasts from more than a dozen different countries,
for a combination of talks, presentations, hands-on mini-projects,
outdoor exercise, and good food and drink". The event is self-funded and
you can find more at lbw2007.hellug.gr

Since Greece is very low on the CA-Cert horizon, we would really like to
start having things rolling at the LBW. A short survey I made suggests
that there is only one person on the LBW mailing list (from London) that
can give only 35 points but unfortunately will not be joining the event
in Crete this year. Even if 3-4 [Greek] people that will be coming to the 
event get assured by him or someone else, I doubt that we can achieve the
critical mass to get things rolling on their own in Greece.

The reason I'm writing this e-mail is to ask you about the possibility
of you sending a Super Assurer
(or a couple of Assurers for that matter) to Crete on 2 - 9 September

I'm at your disposal should you need any further information

Spiros Bolis

Lbw2007 mailing list
Lbw2007 at lists.hellug.gr

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