[Lbw2007] Greece in August/September

Spiros Bolis sbolis at hellug.gr
Thu Feb 8 13:15:39 EET 2007

On Wed, 7 Feb 2007, Claire Newman wrote:

> Sorry for all the questions. Do you have an idea of audience figures?
> can people attend for just one day or do they need to attend the whole
> event. Is there accommodation other than camping?

Hi Claire,

We have no problem at all with the questions, I'm sure that you want to
pass on to Mark the whole picture.

About the people joining: Most of them are hobbyists and IT professional
from all over Europe. Most of those joining have already participated in
a previous event but there are always newcomers (like us in Greece). You
can get an idea from the list archives (subscribers only)


The event is completely self-organised, people can come and go as they 
see fit, there's no attendance fee - at least not an obligatory one - so
there's no "need" to be there for the whole week but since it's a social
event as well, it's a good thing to stay.

This year we thought of inviting some of the very well known figures of 
the community, much like Mark, to give a "conference" tone to LBW. We've 
talked to some that have been to Greece in the past and some that haven't
and we have a very clear yes from the US so far by one, provided of course
we can arrange for his travel and stay. I'm sure that we can have one more
from Europe. Since we're a non-profit organisation, people are willing
to travel economy class and stay in economical places.

Presentations and hands-on seminars are held during that week on days that
are picked by the speakers and will be announced at a later time.

As for the accommodation, the place was picked just because of the vast
selection of places to stay. Quoting our first candidacy e-mail, there
are "lots of different types of accommodation, ranging from luxurious spa 
resorts to small studios and well organized camping sites."

If there's anything else you might want to know, please feel free to
ask. We're trying to put as much information as possible on the web site
of the event -  http://lbw2007.hellug.gr/

We're eagerly waiting to hear from Mark - you're of course more than
welcome to join him if thing permit.

Best regards,

Spiros Bolis
vice-chairman of Hellug
member of the LBW2007 Organising Committee

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