Greek question mark and english semicolon

Vasilis Vasaitis vvas at
Thu Jan 20 18:38:05 EET 2005

On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 07:13:52AM +0200, John Salatas wrote:
> Hello,
> just noticed that in the Unicode character table there is a special character 
> (037E) for the Greek quotation mark.
> Under X Windows (and also in other Operating Systems) this character is not in 
> use (am I correct?) but is used the equivalent English semicolon (003B).
> Is this a bug or is intentionally this way?

  It's quite intentional. This character is a canonical equivalent
with the semicolon character; this means that, for all uses, the two
are considered the same character. So there isn't much point in using
it; it's probably there only for backwards compatibility with some
existing legacy character set or something.

> Please, if possible reply in English.
> Thank you.

Vasilis Vasaitis
"A man is well or woe as he thinks himself so."

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