Zhtw 2 beta testers

Phoebus R. Dokos webmaster at redoak.net
Wed Jan 30 20:20:20 EET 2002

Geia xara paidia,
Opws moy proteine kai o Simos, stelnw kai edw to parakatw:

Eimai o epishmos metafrasths ths Opera (Fobero Browser gia opoion den to 
gnwrizei hdh) sta Ellhnika kai xreiazomai akomh 2 beta testers gia dokimh 
ths Exellhnismenhs Opera.
H ergasia exei hdh oloklhrw8ei kai to mono poy menei einai oi dokimes:

Oi ypopshfioi prepei na exoyn:

1. ARISTH GNWSH grammatikhs kai syntaktikoy
2. Linux me yposthrixh Ellhnikwn Windows-1253 (Dystyxws gia symbatothta 
metaxy ekdosewn) kai Iso-8859-7 (kala ennoeitai)
3. ARISTH GNWSH ellhnikhs orologias ypologistwn
4. Kata protimhsh foithtes h ptyxioyxoi (Ayto einai apaithsh apo thn Opera 
Software oxi apo emena, mhn barate!)
5. Dyo h treis bdomades gia elegxo sthn dia8esh toy/ths

Ka8e petyxhmenos beta tester 8a parei ena plhres license ths Opera meta to 
telos toy beta test arkei na steilei pisw apotelesmata...(Koinws na thn 
doylepsei - Tipote den einai tsamba mono o Aeras!)

(To license doyleyei se oles tis ekdoseis idioy ari8moy... px License gia 
Opera 6 8a doylepsei se Linux, Windoze, BeOS, QNX, EPOC klp)

Parakalw steilte moy idiwtiko email


Foibos (ex Amerikhs poy na mhn hmoyna)

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