[Fwd: Re: [Ximian Hello] Red Carpet 1.2 and translations]

Simos Xenitellis simos74 at gmx.net
Thu Dec 20 16:10:54 EET 2001

Gia osous anamenoun tin elliniki metafrasi stin trexousa kai teleftaia
ekdosi tou Red Carpet, 8a prepei na perimenoun mexri 
tin epomeni ekdosi.

H parakatw allagi egine gia na ejipireti8oun oi glwsses poy
iso-8859-x, x!=1.


-----Forwarded Message-----

From: Joe Shaw <joe at ximian.com>
To: Christian Rose <menthos at menthos.com>
Cc: "Ximian, Inc." <hello at ximian.com>, red-carpet at ximian.com, gnome-i18n at gnome.org
Subject: Re: [Ximian Hello] Red Carpet 1.2 and translations
Date: 18 Dec 2001 15:46:27 -0500

Hi Christian,

On Mon, 2001-12-17 at 14:16, Christian Rose wrote:
> It seems Red Carpet 1.2 not only still has many i18n problems, but also
> breaks things that were translated before, so that they are now shown
> untranslated. This includes a lot of the pages and their captions, like
> the Summary page for example. What happened?

While RC worked fine on Latin-1 encodings in the HTML portions of the
app, they didn't work at all for other encodings.  What we did was
changed the strings marked with _() to U_() (which is in gal) and
changed the gtkhtml widgets to use UTF-8 as the default locale.  The
gettextize script only pulled out strings marked with _() and N_(), so
those strings which were previously translated no longer worked in 1.2. 
I've patched the process so that U_() is also pulled out in 1.2.1. 


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