Re: Απάντηση από το κτηματολόγιο ΑΕ!
Nick Demou
ndemou at
Wed Jul 2 23:51:45 EEST 2008
2008/7/2 Konstantinos Koukopoulos <kouk at>:
> [...]
> 3) στην Ελλάδα απ'ότι γνωρίζω δεν έχουμε κάποιο νόμο περί χρήσης ανοικτών
> τεχνολογικών προτύπων στον δημόσιο τομέα
ίσως ναι, ίσως και όχι... εμ πάση περιπτώσει παρόλο που δεν είναι
νόμος, επειδή ήταν πρόσφατο νέο βρήκα αυτή την σελίδα με οδηγίες που
αφορούν όλα τα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ -- σαφώς και έχει μεγάλη βαρύτητα κι
ας μην είναι νόμος:
European Interoperability Framework
The European Interoperability Framework supports the European Union's
strategy of providing user-centred eGovernment services by
facilitating, at a pan-European level, the interoperability of
services and systems between public administrations, as well as
between administrations and the public (citizens, businesses). It is
an action of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan, under the eGovernment
Administrations that provide electronic services (eServices) are faced
with the same situation, they need to elaborate a set of agreements on
a large number of issues, considering organisational, semantic and
technical aspects.
Member States that wish to interoperate at a multilateral,
pan-European level and make their services available to citizens and
businesses in other Member States should use the guidance and
recommendations provided by this Framework and incorporate the
relevant aspects in their National Framework. As a consequence, the
ultimate beneficiaries will be citizens and businesses who need the
provision of such eServices from governments at a pan-European level.
γενικά η ΕΕ, δειλά και σχιζοφρενικά μεν, σταθερά δε, προχωρά κάθε μήνα
ένα βήμα πιο κοντά στην ολο και μεγαλύτερη στήριξη των open standards
και open source. Π.χ. εύκολα βρήκα και το παρακάτω και σίγουρα
υπάρχουν πολλά ακόμη:
Ιn their recent plenary session, EU parliamentarians have voiced their
support for an open information society. A text adopted by a majority
of the EU parliament [states that]:
the protection of intellectual property must not interfere with open
access to public goods and public knowledge; urges the Commission to
promote a socially inclusive knowledge-based society by supporting,
for example, free and open source software and licensing concepts like
the General Public License (GPL) and the Public Documentation Licence
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