Omilhtes (thymata ;-) ) gia to installfest

Spiros Bolis sbolis at
Mon Nov 12 21:12:05 EET 2001

Epeidh blepw ena moudiasma, kanw thn arxh

O synadelfos Aristotelhs Glenths kai egw proteinoyme na analaboyme to 
genikotero thema

firewalling - packet filtering

3ekinwntas apo thewria packet filtering, istorikh e3eli3h me toys pyrhnes 
toy linux (ip_pws_to_legane_stoys_2.0.x, ipchains-2.2.x, ipatbles-2.4.x) 
kai ftanontas se kapoia kala case studies (px. firewall se ena mono 
mhxanhma, masq sto spiti, se ena ergasthrio ypologistwn)

Etsi opws to exoyme skeftei tha einai arketa geniko-eisagwgiko to prwto 
meros kai tha exei kai praktiko endiaferon (to deytero)

Parakalw thn organwtikh epitroph na mas enhmerwsh gia thn apodoxh 'h oxi ( 
;-) ) kathws kai mexri pote prepei na exoyme steilei ta abstracts

Spiros D. Bolis

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