[[Fwd: Singapore Linux Conference 2001]]

Kyriakos K.Skafas kskafas at usa.net
Fri Dec 22 15:57:00 EET 2000

Τι περίμενες; ;-)
Δυστυχώς, το έχουμε συνηθίσει κιόλα. :((


DJ Art <djart at linux.gr> wrote:
> (Θα τα δούμε ποτέ αυτά στο Ellada ??? :) ή θα βλέπουμε μόνο
> κουστουμαρισμένους management-οειδής τύπους με σακάκι-γραβατούλα να
> κάνουνε "Δεξί κλίκ --> Properties"  (ωχ μου το κόλλησαν :) στο
> Συνεδριακό κέντρο του εκάστοτε Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών σε αλεπάλληλα
> laptops σε Windows 2000 Professional - Advanced Server Κλπ ...
> Έχετε δεί laptop να τρέχει Win 2000 Advanced Server ??? Και μάλιστα να
> ψιλοσέρνεται και ο "τυπάς" να λέει "αργεί γιατί έχει ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΑ λίγη
> μνήμη" και όταν τον ρωτάμε πόση μνήμη έχει να λέει: "128 ΜΒ". Και να
> γελάνε οι πάντες στην αίθουσα. Άντε, ωραία, είναι Advanced Server και
> θέλει μνήμη να το δεχτώ. Αλλά να το παραδέχονται κι ίδιοι, δεν είναι
> κακό. Αλλά το θέμα είναι πως 128 ΜΒ δεν είναι **ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΑ*** λίγη
> μνήμη, απλά δεν είναι αρκετή όχι ***ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΑ*** λίγη ;-)
> Εντωμεταξύ, μιάς και αναφέρομαι, υποτίθεται πως η ημερίδα ήταν για
> security. Ε, αν είχαν πάει να την παρακολουθήσουν κάτι φανατικοί του
> είδους (Μαυρογιανόοοοοπουλε) θα τους είχαν πετάξει ντομάτες γιατί το
> μόνο που κάνανε ήταν "Δεξί κλίκ --> Properties" όλην την ώρα και άμεση
> διαφήμιση του προϊόντος. Δεν μας αναφέρανε π.χ. ούτε κάν τους
> αλγόριθμους των κρυπτογραφήσεών τους (π.χ. RSA, DSA κλπ), μόνο κάπου
> τους ξέφυγε και πρόλαβα να συγκρατήσω ότι ήταν RSA (αλλά δεν θυμάμαι
> που, νομίζω στα Terminal Services).
> (Αν θέλετε άλλες πληροφορίες, να σας πώ :-)
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Singapore Linux Conference 2001
> Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 03:57:13 -0600
> From: Sanjeev Gupta <ghane at dotxtra.com>
> To: info at hellug.gr
> Dear Sir,
> I would appreciate your circulating the message below on your mailing
> list.
> The SLC, first held in 1999, is organised by the Linux Users' Group
> (Singapore), in collaboration with IDG, which runs LinuxWorld Expo.
> Last year, some of our speakers included Mr Robert Young, Red Hat;
> Mr Robert Chassell, Free Software Foundation; Mr Theodore T'so, IETF;
> Chip
> Salzenberg, OSI; as well as senior staff from IBM, SGI, and Intel.  We
> also conducted Tutorials on Samba and Perl Extensions, among others.
> We typically aim for two tracks, Business and Technical, with some
> Speakers having slots that cut accross both.  This year, I also hope to
> organise a Debian BoF meet.
>                 FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS
>      Singapore Linux Conference / LinuxWorld 2001
>              March 21-24 2001, Singapore
> This annual conference and expo, started in 1999, aims to draw
> world-renowned experts in the exciting field of Linux and
> showcase the state-of-the-art in Linux and Computing in the IT
> hub of South-East Asia, Singapore. In this third edition, we
> plan a conference which will focus on the growth of Linux as a 
> broadly available and used platform.
> Papers are invited for presentation during the Conference, which will
> be held on Thursday, 22nd, and Friday, 23rd March.  Following last
> year's success, there will be two tracks, "Business" and "Technical".
> The topics below are meant to indicate the possible variety of areas,
> they should not be regarded as exhaustive.
> 	* Productivity Tools and Suites
> 	* Multimedia enhancements
> 	* Internationalization and Localization
> 	* Beowulf / High Performance Computing
> 	* Distributed Computing
> 	* Life Sciences
> 	* Embedded Linux
> 	* Linux PDAs
> 	* IPv6, and "personal" IP addresses
> 	* B2B Ecommerce                 
> 	* Security: DoS attacks using innocent third parties
> 	* Security in General
> 	* Network Trust
> 	* Open Standards: What value to the user?
> 	* Wireless Technology
> 	* Mobile Computing
> 	* IP telephony (Truly everyone at everywhere!)
> 	* Linux in Education
> 	* The Linux Community
> 	* Diversity in the Linux Demography
> 	* LUGs' Experiences            
> 	* Software Licencing
> 	* The Open Source Movement
> Prospective authors are requested to submit full papers for
> review. Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged through email.
> Hard-copy submissions are also permitted, and three copies of the
> manuscript should be sent to the address below.
> You may like to take a note of the following dates -
>           Submission of full paper - 5th January, 2001
> Papers will be rigorously reviewed by the Technical Program
> Committee, and reviewers' comments will be relayed to the authors
> on request in the interest of transparency.
> Tutorial Sessions will be held on Wednesday, 21st March.  Tutorials have
> a strong
> technical bias, and are intended for a more mature audience, in terms of
> Computing and Programming exposure.
> Prospective tutorial speakers are invited to submit proposals to
> the Conference Secretariat. Each proposal should include: 
>          * a summary
>          * a course outline and
>          * a brief biography of the speaker.
> Proposals complete with the required documents should be sent
> to the address below.
> 	Sanjeev Gupta
> 	40 Kaki Bukit Place
> 	Singapore 416218
> email: ghane at dotxtra.com
> Tel: +65 9855 1208
> Fax: +65 7494434
> All correspondence will be acknowledged.

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