[Fwd: Singapore Linux Conference 2001]

DJ Art djart at linux.gr
Fri Dec 22 14:09:01 EET 2000

(Θα τα δούμε ποτέ αυτά στο Ellada ??? :) ή θα βλέπουμε μόνο
κουστουμαρισμένους management-οειδής τύπους με σακάκι-γραβατούλα να
κάνουνε "Δεξί κλίκ --> Properties"  (ωχ μου το κόλλησαν :) στο
Συνεδριακό κέντρο του εκάστοτε Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών σε αλεπάλληλα
laptops σε Windows 2000 Professional - Advanced Server Κλπ ...

Έχετε δεί laptop να τρέχει Win 2000 Advanced Server ??? Και μάλιστα να
ψιλοσέρνεται και ο "τυπάς" να λέει "αργεί γιατί έχει ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΑ λίγη
μνήμη" και όταν τον ρωτάμε πόση μνήμη έχει να λέει: "128 ΜΒ". Και να
γελάνε οι πάντες στην αίθουσα. Άντε, ωραία, είναι Advanced Server και
θέλει μνήμη να το δεχτώ. Αλλά να το παραδέχονται κι ίδιοι, δεν είναι
κακό. Αλλά το θέμα είναι πως 128 ΜΒ δεν είναι **ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΑ*** λίγη
μνήμη, απλά δεν είναι αρκετή όχι ***ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΑ*** λίγη ;-)

Εντωμεταξύ, μιάς και αναφέρομαι, υποτίθεται πως η ημερίδα ήταν για
security. Ε, αν είχαν πάει να την παρακολουθήσουν κάτι φανατικοί του
είδους (Μαυρογιανόοοοοπουλε) θα τους είχαν πετάξει ντομάτες γιατί το
μόνο που κάνανε ήταν "Δεξί κλίκ --> Properties" όλην την ώρα και άμεση
διαφήμιση του προϊόντος. Δεν μας αναφέρανε π.χ. ούτε κάν τους
αλγόριθμους των κρυπτογραφήσεών τους (π.χ. RSA, DSA κλπ), μόνο κάπου
τους ξέφυγε και πρόλαβα να συγκρατήσω ότι ήταν RSA (αλλά δεν θυμάμαι
που, νομίζω στα Terminal Services).

(Αν θέλετε άλλες πληροφορίες, να σας πώ :-)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Singapore Linux Conference 2001
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 03:57:13 -0600
From: Sanjeev Gupta <ghane at dotxtra.com>
To: info at hellug.gr

Dear Sir,

I would appreciate your circulating the message below on your mailing
The SLC, first held in 1999, is organised by the Linux Users' Group
(Singapore), in collaboration with IDG, which runs LinuxWorld Expo.

Last year, some of our speakers included Mr Robert Young, Red Hat;
Mr Robert Chassell, Free Software Foundation; Mr Theodore T'so, IETF;
Salzenberg, OSI; as well as senior staff from IBM, SGI, and Intel.  We
also conducted Tutorials on Samba and Perl Extensions, among others.

We typically aim for two tracks, Business and Technical, with some
Speakers having slots that cut accross both.  This year, I also hope to
organise a Debian BoF meet.

                FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS
     Singapore Linux Conference / LinuxWorld 2001
             March 21-24 2001, Singapore

This annual conference and expo, started in 1999, aims to draw
world-renowned experts in the exciting field of Linux and
showcase the state-of-the-art in Linux and Computing in the IT
hub of South-East Asia, Singapore. In this third edition, we
plan a conference which will focus on the growth of Linux as a 
broadly available and used platform.


Papers are invited for presentation during the Conference, which will
be held on Thursday, 22nd, and Friday, 23rd March.  Following last
year's success, there will be two tracks, "Business" and "Technical".
The topics below are meant to indicate the possible variety of areas,
they should not be regarded as exhaustive.

	* Productivity Tools and Suites
	* Multimedia enhancements
	* Internationalization and Localization

	* Beowulf / High Performance Computing
	* Distributed Computing

	* Life Sciences
	* Embedded Linux
	* Linux PDAs
	* IPv6, and "personal" IP addresses

	* B2B Ecommerce                 
	* Security: DoS attacks using innocent third parties
	* Security in General
	* Network Trust
	* Open Standards: What value to the user?

	* Wireless Technology
	* Mobile Computing
	* IP telephony (Truly everyone at everywhere!)
	* Linux in Education
	* The Linux Community
	* Diversity in the Linux Demography
	* LUGs' Experiences            

	* Software Licencing
	* The Open Source Movement

Prospective authors are requested to submit full papers for
review. Electronic submissions are strongly encouraged through email.
Hard-copy submissions are also permitted, and three copies of the
manuscript should be sent to the address below.

You may like to take a note of the following dates -

          Submission of full paper - 5th January, 2001

Papers will be rigorously reviewed by the Technical Program
Committee, and reviewers' comments will be relayed to the authors
on request in the interest of transparency.


Tutorial Sessions will be held on Wednesday, 21st March.  Tutorials have
a strong
technical bias, and are intended for a more mature audience, in terms of
Computing and Programming exposure.

Prospective tutorial speakers are invited to submit proposals to
the Conference Secretariat. Each proposal should include: 

         * a summary
         * a course outline and
         * a brief biography of the speaker.

Proposals complete with the required documents should be sent
to the address below.


	Sanjeev Gupta
	40 Kaki Bukit Place
	Singapore 416218

email: ghane at dotxtra.com
Tel: +65 9855 1208
Fax: +65 7494434

All correspondence will be acknowledged.

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