Fwd: Presentation of ALPHA Proccessors with and without linux

Voula Sanida voulariba at rocketmail.com
Thu Sep 3 12:46:28 EEST 1998

Tha mathoume ti einai afto kai pote klp kai sizitame
meta. An kserei kapoios malista peri tinos prokeitai
gia na mas kanei ti zoi efkoli kai as mas pei ...

---"Manos I. Dimitriades" <md at protogenea.gr> wrote:
> Dear sirs,
> We are planning a presentation of harware platforms
of Alpha 
> processors at 600 and 800 Mhz for OEM systems. This
> will  demonstarte among other things LINUX running
under those 
> proccesors and BEOWULF systems.
> We would like to reach your members and invite them.
> Please let us know how.
> Thank you for  your help.
> Manos I. Dimitriades
> *******************************
> * Manos I. Dimitriades        *
> * PROTOGENEA Informatics, Ltd *
> * 6, Botassi Street, Athens   *
> * 10682, GREECE               *
> * tel: +30 (1) 38 48 269      *
> *              38 15 733      *
> * fax: +30 (1) 38 48 306      *
> * http://www.protogenea.gr    *
> *                             * 
> *******************************

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