[Thelug] Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google Chrome OS
Christos Ricudis
ricudis at itc.auth.gr
Mon Jul 20 16:35:59 EEST 2009
Stavros Temertzidis wrote:
> Στις 10 Ιούλιος 2009 11:38 πμ, ο χρήστης anastasis
> xouzafiris <rinugr at hotmail.com <mailto:rinugr at hotmail.com>> έγραψε:
> Kala twra to oti blepoume me ta kialia to ubuntu den mporw na to
> pw..oute oti prokeite na to doume pote..
> Καλά εντάξει, μην αρχίσουμε flame war... Ο καθένας έχει την άποψή
> του... Απλώς ήθελα να επισημάνω ότι όταν ανέλαβε το ubuntu ο
> Shuttleworth που είχε το χρήμα, το ubuntu απογειώθηκε...
Gia to an kai poso endiaferetai h Canonical gia to Linux, mia poly
endiaferousa parousiash tou Greg Kroah-Hartmann mas dinei mia endeiksh :
Gia to an kai poso endiaferetai o Shuttleworth gia thn Canonical, mia
endeiksh mas dinoyn ta oikonomika tous stoixeia. Dystyxws h Canonical
einai EPE, ara den ypoxreoutai na kata8etei isologismous. Mia anafora
tou idiou tou Shuttleworth milaei gia mikta esoda $30M/year, den leei
*koubenta* gia ka8ara kerdh, kai apasxolei gyrw sta 200 atoma proswpiko.
Mia sygkrish me allous Linux vendors: H Redhat apasxolei 2800 atoma,
exei mikta esoda $650M/year, kai ka8ara kerdh $79M/year. H Novell me
$930M/year esoda kai 4100 atoma proswpiko exei ka8ara kerdh $45M/year.
Ara kata pasa pi8anothta h Canonical exei mallon xasoura (thn opoia o
Shuttleworth plhrwnei apo thn tseph tou). As ypo8esoume oti to business
model pou exei sto myalo tou einai to idio akribws pou eixe me thn prwth
tou epixeirhsh, thn Thawte.
Gia osous apo sas to 1999 "ypologisths" shmaine "enas mallon katax8onios
an8rwpos xwris synais8hmata", na kanw mia perilhpsh tou istorikou ths. H
Thawte htan apo tis prwtes epixeirhseis poy eksedidan X.509 pshfiaka
pistopoihtika. Ta edine pamfthna, kai an 8ymamai swsta, to personal
certificate htan h sxedon h entelws dwrean. To apotelesma htan oti h
Thawte 8ewroutan apo ton kosmo "h kalh", enw o kyrios antagwnisths ths,
h Verisign 8ewroutan "h kakia" tou xwrou. Afou h Thawte mazepse peripou
to 50% ths agoras, xwris kan na perasei ta synh8h stadia ths idryshs AE,
arxikhs dhmosia sprosforas, metepeita eksagoras ktl, poylh8hke
katey8eian gia $570M. Mantepste se poion.
An ayto sas dinei mia idea gia to pws peripou 8a ekselix8ei sto mellon h
Canonical, mprabo sas poy to katalabate.
Christos Ricudis
Systems Administrator - IT Support Center ___ O~
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki =\_@\//=
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