[Rule] What to do with RULE / Ubuntulite?

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Tue Sep 16 22:56:39 EEST 2008

Hello, everybody.

I saw the messages on the list by Liam and others last july, but as
you can see had no possibility to answer earlier.

That's because in that same month I have started a totally new job.
The corporation who employed me is closing the whole R&D facility
where I worked, without offering any alternative robust enough to last
more than ~2 years, in a moment when the Italian job market in that
field basically doesn't exist (not that in other countries it looks
much better if you ask me, at least in the medium/long term).

This was good because, given the situation, I said thank you and left
as soon as I could to do something I like better. Now I'm officially a
full time freelance writer, instructor and activist in the Free SW <->
civic rights field. If you have a FOSS story which is worth an
article, tell me, any time.

Back to RULE now. The point is that, personally, things look good for
me now, but I'm in an happy mess to reorganize my whole life around
the new job, and this isn't going to change soon. This wouldn't be a
problem if there were activity here. We left last spring with an
intent to merge RULE and Ubuntulite, but even that was left hanging in
the air. Two inactive projects one active project do not make?, Yoda
would say?

In a nutshell: as much as I'd like to remain the coordinator, I have
no time to do it, it wouldn't be honest to say otherwise; but, and
here is the real issue, is there anything to coordinate anymore, even
merging with Ubuntulite?

This is not a critic: I'll be happy if activity resumes, so if my
hypotheses above are wrong, all the better, really. Things like
mini-kde or similar others are still as valid as when we started: even
more now that netbooks are all the rage, and when an idea is good for
different reason than those for which was conceived it means it's
really good.

So, if somebody can step in and make it happen it would be really
great, since again I don't know if and when I could do it myself.

Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
software is used *around* you:            http://digifreedom.net/node/84

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