[Rule] Slinky installer, lifecycle reached end?

Franz Zahaurek fzk at fzk.at
Sun Aug 26 22:53:59 EEST 2007

Hi all,

let me add the following thoughts to the recent discussion about RULE/SLINKY on
the list.

I think the RULE-idea is still valid. Basicly it is about sustainability. Don't
drop your hardware only because new software implies to do so.  But nevertheless
every thing has its lifecycle be that for economical, ecolocical or tecnical reasons.
And that is specially true for computers!  Don't expect slinky to boost your old
PC.  But with the right application you could still use it (in principle).

I developed slinky for about 3 years from FC2 to FC5 with a central idea in
mind: keep it small, and use any recource at best.  I dropped the standalone rpm
(and with it the second install floppy) and used busyboxs small rpm to install
FEDORAs full featured rpm; added national keybindings and the character dialog
interface.  But the installation changed from RULE to BUFE (Boot Up2date Fedora
Everywhere).  Only the first Fedora CD is neccesary and applications MUST be
installed later by the user. (But there is no need to handle package lists for
some application-profiles)  The main effort to follow from FC2 to FC5 was to
change versions of the RPMs in the packagelists.

But I think things have changed too much since slinky started.  Floppies are not
even available any more - we all use USB-sticks now with much greater capacity.

I'am afraid slinky as it is now, has reached the end of its lifecycle.

What do you think about it?

- Franz
Franz Zahaurek                        fzk at fzk.at
Gymnasiumstr. 26/7                    http://www.fzk.at
1180 Wien

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