[Rule] About SlinkyDetect, was: Installation Template

Marco Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Tue Mar 28 17:50:16 EEST 2006

David Rigby wrote.

> Automatic hardware detection has advanced quite a bit since the
> underlying detect library used for slinky detect was created. 
> I did a bit of research/reading on the subject over the last week or 
> so.


> I like the idea of a tool that can be run against a room full of
> equipment and provide an automatic, electronic "inventory report."
> That sounds like a highly useful project in its own right, though
> a bit beyond what I could manage myself at this point.

Well, it would be another example, like mini-kde, of what we call
"the beauty (and power) of not being another Linux distribution"

don't worry about the "manage myself" part. I also follow the
Ubuntu-lite and Trashware mailing lists. The latter is the
place where all Italian LUGs and other groups who refurbish old
PCs with Linux hang out.

Once you have prepared an article which sums up what the situation
is today and a roadmap for a better slinky I'll announce it there,
and we can set up a separate mailing list if needed.

Just don't forget the other articles you mentioned earlier today :-) !

Ciao and thanks,

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