[Rule] How everybody can contribute to the RULE website

M. Fioretti mfioretti at mclink.it
Wed Dec 7 06:53:40 EET 2005

Mainly in five ways:

1) Signal broken links anywhere directly to me (Marco) off list
   Ditto for CSS corrections and suggestions

2) Signal/comment *here* on list the current organization of the
   website, ie if you think (sub) sections are missing, badly
   organized, articles that should be somewhere else...

3) Translations (at least of the main pages(home and install guide?))

4) for the new coeditors (C.D. Rigby and Richard), the very simple
   SPIP formatting guide can be downloaded from:
   It explains the really simple markup to add to the text before it
   can be pasted in the SPIP article contribution form

5) the point above applies also to everybody who doesn't want to be a
   regular editor, but only has one or two pieces that should be on
   the website: if you can, please format them in that way and send
   them to me off list (I'll also accept unformatted contributions,
   but it may take much longer to put them online).


Marco Fioretti                    mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Fedora Core 3 for low memory      http://www.rule-project.org/

Da quando amo, riesco ad indossare i miei anni: non sono piu' vecchia
   --   Sarah Cristina Ceccarelli

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